
Sanger/short contig bioinformatics tools
DNA Sequence Assembler |
DNA Sequence Assembler is unique and revolutionary bioinformatics software for
Instant download |

Chromatogram Explorer Lite |

Allows quick DNA sequence inspection:
- Display sample's content as you browse through your folders
- Highlight low quality regions
- Manually or automatically trim low quality ends (batch)
- Convert between miscellaneous formats
- View FASTA, SEQ, TXT, SCF, ABI, AB, AB!, AB1 samples
- View sample properties & statistics
- Display confidence scores
Freeware |

Sanger Sequence dereplicator |
Clone Library Dereplicator simplifies the dereplication of all type sequence libraries (16S rRNA, 18S rRNA, 23S rRNA, 28S rRNA, functional and structural proteins) and prepares the raw sequences for subsequent analyses or contig assembly. Clone Library Dereplicator sorts all unique DNA sequences (FASTA) belonging to your clone libraries, by moving/coping them into the specified folder.
Freeware |

Cell counter |
Cell Counter is a freeware tool that will help you to manually count the cells shown on computer screen by displaying a transparent or semi-transparent grid over your image.
Freeware |

NextGen bioinformatics tools

NextGen Sequence Analyzer |
An efficient and easy to use FastQ/SFF viewer, editor, filter and converter. NextGen Workbench is the first and the only complete FastQ/SFF editor with graphic interface on the entire bioinformatics market! The program can process huge FastQ/SFF files even when running o a modest computer. Freeware
- Delete samples; cut a file in smaller pieces
- Convert from FastQ/SFF to multiFASTA format
- Sort samples by name, average quality and length
- Displays info: number of samples/reads, average quality of each sample, sample length, mini-chromatograms, clipped ends
- Compact and portable (no installation required)

Sequence Dereplicator |
Sequence Dereplicator is a graphic interface tool that allows you to dereplicate your Fasta sequences via sequence clustering.
Size: 2 MB |


Avalanche Workbench |
Avalanche Workbench is a visual data analysis & DNA sequence data mining tool for biologists.
It offers a visual graphic interface through which you can search (eSearch, eLink, eSummary, eFetch) biology databases such as NCBI or get visual access to sequence processing tools/servers.
Freeware |


Fasta/FastQ merger |
Merge two or more large sequence files (fasta, fsa, fast, fastq, seq, gbk, etc).
Freeware |

NCBI suite

NCBI Blast Installer |
A tool that automatically downloads and installs the latest NCBI Blast+ edition in your computer.


NCBI Blast DB Downloader |
A tool that automates the NCBI BLAST DB download process. It automatically downloads and unpacks the selected NCBI Blast databases from NCBI ftp server.
Freeware |


NCBI Database Builder |
A tool that allows you to create Blast databases from your own Fasta files.
Freeware |

Other tools
DNA Baser console |
This is a the command line version of DNA Sequence Assembler. Now you can harness the power and accuracy of DNA Baser at a new level by performing custom sequence assembly from your very own scripts.
Download page |
BaserConsole.exe ^
/InputFolder="c:\samples\" ^
/FileType='*.scf' ^
/OutputFolder="c:\samples\out" ^
pause > nul

PolyPro - Polynucleotide probe design |
Freeware |
In situ hybridization of genes and mRNA is most often based on polynucleotide probes.
We recently developed a concept and software (PolyPro) for rational design of polynucleotide probe mixes to identify particular genes in defined taxa. PolyPro consists of three modules:
a GenBank Taxonomy Extractor (GTE), a Polynucleotide Probe Designer (PPD) and a Hybridization Parameters Calculator (HPC).
Download page
Article |


Convertrix - A Batch DNA Sample Converter |
Convertrix is a molecular biology command line tool for converting between several popular DNA sample formats. It can automatically trim the untrusted
regions (low quality bases) at the end of samples. The program needs no manual: a graphic interface is available to help you to generate the command line.
Date of release: April 2010
Download page |


Everything to FASTA converter |
Everything to Fasta Converter converts at batch the samples (SCF, ABI, FASTA, multiFasta, GBK, multiGBK, SEQ, TXT) to FASTA format. Protein FASTA files are also supported.
Freeware |


GBK to FASTA converter |
GenBank to FASTA converter is a a freeware molecular biology tool that can convert GenBank (gb/gbk) file format to FASTA format.
Freeware |


DNA Nucleotide Counter |
DNA Nucleotide Counter is a freeware tool that shows the proportions between nucleotides (A, C, G, T, CG, AT) in a DNA sequence. Compact and easy to use.
Freeware |
Installs in any computer!
Our bioinformatics software tools can be installed in any Windows
computer and it works properly EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE ADMINISTRATOR RIGHTS. In this case just install the program somewhere else than Program Files; for example in a folder where you have
write permissions such as 'c:\MyPersonalFolder',
'Desktop' or 'My Documents'.
Our software tools are really small so you can easily copy them on a floppy disk or USB flash stick and take them with you or send them to your colleagues via email.
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