Tired of manual DNA sequence alignment/analysis?
DNA Sequence Alignment is easy to use bioinformatics software for simple and automatic DNA sequence analysis, DNA sequence analysis, sequence processing, sequence assembly, metadata
integration and mutation detection.
It's unbeatable price and the truly user-friendly interface makes DNA Baser the best choice for DNA sequence assembly. For more details, see the DNA Sequence Alignment Features page.
With DNA Sequence Alignment you can import your samples, trim the ends, assemble the contig and remove the vectors in only 5 seconds. The program will automatically correct the ambiguities and save the contig to disk for you. Sounds unbelievable? Watch our 5 seconds demo movie or download the
program and see for yourself. There are no tricks in there! Everything is for real!
Ideal for assembly of all sequence types, including the SSU rRNA genes (16S and 18S rRNA), LSU rRNA genes (23S and 28S rRNA), protein genes, and/or genomic fragments. |
DNA Sequence Alignment is a valuable tool for studies of biodiversity, molecular ecology, sequencing of various functional and
structural genes, or any application that is involved in the cloning and sequencing of DNA fragments. It can read sequences and chromatograms
in either TXT, FASTA, SEQ, ABI, or SCF file format.
The DNA Sequence Alignment package is offered at a very affordable price ($299 for Student license/ $599 for Academic/ $699 for Business), making it an ideal for universities, research institutions, laboratories or private companies performing DNA sequencing. Discounts apply if you purchase more than one license.
Starting with version 2.7, DNA Sequence Alignment can assemble DNA contigs in batch mode. Now you can assemble all your sequences at once.
Just define a pattern, press the start button and all contigs will be automatically created.
Full working trial - Instant download


Did you know that:
- Even if DNA Sequence Alignment is extremely powerful, it has a very simple interface. For example to assemble several files into a contig, you need less than 5 seconds and only 3 clicks.
Don't believe us? Download our trial or watch this 5 seconds video and
see it by your self!
- Primers are automatically removed from contig by DNA Sequence Alignment? Just insert your favorite primers in 'Primers database' and start the sequence analysis process.
- DNA Sequence Assembly is the only software on the market that offers you synchronized view between sequences, contig and chromatogram files?
- DNA Sequence Assembly is the only software on the market that uses anti-aliasing technologies to display the chromatograms? This complex algorithm is generally used
in 3D applications (especially in 3D games) to make the image smoother and clear.
- You can set our sequence assembler to automatically save the output files (the contig and the assembly log) to disk? This means that you have to push less buttons
which greatly improves your speed.
- With DNA Baser you can assemble to a reference sequence?
- DNA Sequence Alignment is the only software which offers you navigation between mismatches (see the image below).
- DNA Baser Assembler package is only 2MB? This means that you can send it to your friends over email; you can easily create backups, or transport
it on floppy disks. It also means that it does not install hundreds of garbage files in your computer.
- You can use DNA Sequence Assembly even after the trial period has expired? The only limitation that will appear is that you cannot save the contig anymore. However
you can still assemble sequences or user internal tools (like the 'Reverse complement' tool).
- DNA Baser price is not secret? You don't have to speak with a DNA Baser representative it order to find out its price. Also you can create your own quote/PO
in 60 seconds. Please check our public prices list.
- You can purchase DNA Baser in less than two minutes and in the next two minutes you will have the key that unlocks the program? You don't have to wait 1-2 months
until your purchase order clears or until your dongle key arrives.
- Updates are free?
What you should not miss on our web site:
How to make a contig in 5 seconds

(click to enlarge)