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DNA Sequence Assembler on Mac
DNA Sequence Assembler on Mac via Bootcamp


Run DNA Baser at its maximum speed and with full compatibility via Mac OS X Bootcamp.



  * Bootcamp is free

  * DNA Sequence Assembler will be perfectly compatible with your Mac

  * DNA Sequence Assembler will run at maximum speed



  * You need a Windows 98/XP/Vista license


How to install DNA Baser on Mac
Estimated time
Reboot your computer to Windows
40 seconds
Download DNA Sequence Assembler Trial (free)
5-20 seconds
Install DNA Baser
30 seconds




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Description: Apple Mac OS X Leopard sequencing tools. DNA Sequence Assembler running on Mac OS X computers under CrossOver Mac, Bootcamp and Parallels. DNA Sequence Assembler is an easy to use software for simple and batch DNA sequence assembly, contig editing, and mutation detection. It also offers an advanced chromatogram viewer/editor. Truly user-friendly interface

DNA chromatogram assembly
contig assembly software