DNA sequence assembly
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DNA Baser
Your feedback is important to us
a DNA sequence assembly software






By providing your email address you allow us to contact you in eventuality of a bug/crash report. We don't expect you to help us without receiving something in exchange. Therefore we offer something for your feedback:


  • If your feedback helps us to identify and fix the bug, we offer a free DNA Baser Assembler license. If you help us fixing multiple bugs your license key can be extended up to 6 months. Keep submitting feedback to receive new licenses for free.

  • Active beta testers can receive discounts up to 50% to all our products.
  • Senior beta testers can get any product for free!
  • Random feedback, reports, possible bug reports, feature requests may be awarded with a free key (up to 15 days) or a discount*. We will continue to provide you new keys as long as you send feedback.





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*In our sole discretion

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