B2. Gene hybridization
For gene hybridization, beside the polynucleotide probes specific for the gene of interest, a negative control probe has to be used (NonPolyPr350). Alternatively, DNase digestion can be performed, to remove the target genes and create a negative control, or, when working on pure cultures or enrichments, an culture without the target gene can be used as negative control.
NonPolyPr350: the negative control probe for gene detection.
NonPolyPr350 can be synthesized from a larger template, named NonPolyPr (GenBank accession number GU583840). NonPolyPr was designed not to give any significant Blast hits with the nucleotide datasets for microorganisms (Bacteria and Archaea). The sequence was synthesized by the BlueHeron company, introduced into a pUCminusMCS vector and further transformed into E. coli cells. The NonPolyPr template has a T7 RNA polymerase promoter and multiple restriction sites (see below), so that it can be transcribed in vitro into RNA probes of different sizes. Alternatively, primers can be designed to synthesize dsDNA probes of different sizes. NonPolyPr350 is a Dig labeled dsDNA, 350 bp in length and PCR synthesized using the following primes: NonPolyPr350-F (5’-ACAGTCGAATGTCTACCTAC-3’) and NonPolyPr350-R (5’-AATATTGTGCAGTCGGATC-3’).
> NonPolyPr sequence. In bold, lower caps, the T7 RNA polymerase promoter.
Composition of the gene hybridization buffer
The hybridization buffer has a high salt concentration (1718 mM Na+, see supplementary Table 2) and 10% dextran sulfate, to promote high hybridization rates. Blocking reagents (sheared salmon sperm DNA, yeast RNA, protein-based blocking reagent) are included to minimize unspecific probe binding to different surfaces. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is added as a denaturant, to help remove proteins from the chromosomal DNA and to facilitate probe diffusion by permeabilizing the cell walls. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium dihydrate (EDTA) is added to chelate divalent cations, both to inactivate contaminant DNases and to control the stringency of hybridization. Formamide is used in order to decrease the temperature at which nucleic acids hybridize, since high temperatures are detrimental for cell integrity and morphology.
Preparation of hybridization buffer
Hybridization in glass hybridization chambers
Filters are placed in Petri Dishes and covered with Hybridization buffer. The Petri Dishes are then placed in hybridization chambers (O-ring sealed lunch boxes, with the bottom part from glass and the lid from polypropylene) which are padded with KimWipes soaked in 35% FA solution, to keep a humid atmosphere during the incubation.
- Add the filters face up in Petri Dishes (PDs)
- Cover filters with hybridization buffer (35% FA), volume depending on the size of the filter (40 µl per 1/8 of 25 mm filter)
- Place PDs in hybridization chambers
- Incubate for 1-3 h at 46°C
Denaturation and Hybridization
- In new PDs place droplets of hybridization mix (hybridization buffer and probe) (double the amount compared with the prehybridization)
- Transfer the filters face down into the hybridization mix
- Place PDs in hybridization chambers
- Denature for 1 h at 85°C
- For hybridization, quickly transfer the hybridization chamber to 46°C and incubate over night
Hybridization mix: gene hybridization buffer with 5 pg/µl probe (1:1000 dilution from a 5 ng/µl stock)
- 2 x 10 min wash in WBI (prewarmed at 46°C)
- 3 x quick wash in WBII (prewarmed at 46°C)
- transfer in new WBII (50 ml Falcons)
- Incubate 1.5 h at 46°C, water bath, shaking.
- Quick 1x PBS wash