FastQ convertor
Convert SFF file

NextGen FastQ/SFF Workbench

A graphic FastQ/SFF viewer & editor







The program loads a 0.5GB file in under 11sec. This includes also the time for determining the file encoding (Solexa, Illumina, Sanger). The memory footprint never exceeds 15-20MB.


  This program FastQC
File Sanger, 555 MB, 3.35 mil reads
Required RAM 19 MB 150 MB
Time 11 seconds 45 seconds

(Note: It is important to remember that FastQC does more processing then we do.

On the other hand this program is still under constructions and no speed optimizations have been applied yet)


Test computer:

  • Old Toshiba Qosmio x505 laptop
  • Intel i5, 2.2GHz, 3GB RAM, 5000RPM hard drive
  • Win 7 32 bits





















FastQ dereplicate
SFF to FastQ to FASTA converter