DNA sequence assembly
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Bug report
DNA Baser - the sequence assembly software



I think I have found a bug!


If you think you have found a bug in DNA Baser, please report it to us. If we don't know about a bug, it is unlikely that it will be fixed. It might be natural to presume that we know about all the bugs in DNA Baser, but it is not possible for us to have tried out every combination of options on every computer environment with every possible data/chromatogram files.


If you are not sure if it is a bug (a large number of users blame themselves when they encounter a bug, presuming it is something they have done wrong), please report it anyway. Even if your apparent "bug" is a mistake you made, your mistake might indicate a poorly designed interface that should be corrected.

Please check this page to see how to report a bug.




















Keywords: found a bug, report a bug, bug report, beta tester, DNA Baser beta version, report a problem, issue, correct, corrected, bug fixed, patch, update, new version, programming team. Sequencing tools, sequencher alternative software for dna sequence assembly, assemble sequences

DNA chromatogram assembly
contig assembly software
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