DNA Baser Network Edition
Advanced settings

How to pass parameter to DNA Baser
DNA Baser supports several command line parameters. These commands are listed below. To pass a command to DNA Baser, open a DOS box and type DNA Baser.exe and then the parameter.
You can pass parameters in three ways. Choose the one that is the most convenient for you:
DOS box
Use it as command-line parameter in a DOS box. The command line can be something like "c:\DNA Baser\DNA Baser v3.exe" SERVER or just "DNA Baser v3.exe" SERVER if you are already in DNA Baser's folder. Please include the quotes and the spaces.
Create a link to DNA Baser.exe on your desktop. Right click the link, select properties and in the Target field append the parameter you want to pass to the program.
Script file
Create a simple TXT file and write in it your commands (for example "DNA Baser v3.exe" SERVER). Save and close the file. Change its extension from TXT to CMD. Double click the file to run it.
If you are not familiar with this, do a Google search to find more about passing command line parameters to a program.
The "SERVER" command-line parameter
There are several alternative forms of SERVER command-line option:
- Use a number after the SERVER parameter (with no spaces, i.e. SERVER10) to override the default delay before the status window disappears. The number that you specify will tell
the program how long (in seconds) to display the window; for example, SERVER0 will start up the master without showing the window at all.
- Use SERVERX to start it up without a timeout, so that the window will remain on the screen until the user dismisses it.
- Use SERVERDOWN to shut down the master.
- If multiple parameters are used, the SERVER command must be the first one in the command line.
- You must use this parameter every time you want to start DNA Baser in "master" mode
The "SERVER REGISTER" parameter

This command line parameter makes DNA Baser display a windows where you can see your computer ID or enter your unlock key.
Improving start up speed (by forcing master's IP)
Some special settings can controlled through an INI file. Details about this file are here.