NextGen Workbench
The first user friendly FastQ/SFF viewer, editor & converter
A survey
This survey will help us to understand your needs and make the tool suitable for you.
How to answer
This is a free-style survey: you don't have to answer all questions. You can also answer questions that we might have forgot to ask here.
To answer the questionnaire, just copy it in your preferred documents editor, answer the questions and email it to us.
The questionnaire
Please tell us about:
Your work:
- In what kind of projects are you using this tool?
- How are you using this tool (quality inspection, clip ends, dereplicate sequences, etc)?
Your bioinformatics/NGS skills:
- Do you have programming knowledge? Do you write your own tools?
- Have you ever tried to use Linux command line tools to process your files?
- No
- Yes, but I find them difficult to use
- Yes, and I am proficient using them (but I would still like a graphic tool)
- Who is analyzing your sequences?
- Myself
- Myself with some external support (who)
- I have a dedicate bioinformatics department in my institution that:
- cannot help me (busy, etc)
- might help me to analyze/process the files
- will help me (for coauthorship
Your data:
- How big are your files?
- How may files you have (to process)?
- Seuqence files you use most often:
- FastQ
- Sff
- Fasta
- others (please specify)
Your hardware:
- Your computer specifications (RAM, CPU cores, CPU speed in GHz)
- On which operation system you intend to use this tool? Windows, Mac, Linux
Our program
- Is it difficult to use?
- Does it need a manual? Printable?
- How much would you pay for it? (don't worry; the program is FREEWARE!)
- What other features would you like to have in this program?
- How does it compare with other similar tools you have used?
- What is the most important report for you (graph)?
- What filters are you using?
- What is the most important filter for you?
- What filters you never used (are not interest in)?
Your interest in a data mining tool like this?