NextGen Workbench
A graphic FastQ/SFF viewer, editor & converter
The way the bioinformatics should be...
Release history
Proposed for v3
- Sequence dereplicator
- Full support for Fasta files
- Multithreading
Kmer Content graph
v2.0 (current)
- New tool: Demultiplexing - Split based on FastQ internal info (only for Illumina files) - Load info about adaptor clipping from sequence name (comment) line
- New tool: Demultiplexing - Split multiplex file based on barcode sequence(s) provided by user. Reverse complement sequences are also supported.
- New tool: Demultiplexing - Split based on FastQ internal info radio box is automatically disabled if the sequence does not contain the info
- New tool: File splitter: Split huge FastQ/SFF file in chunks of x reads
- New tool: File splitter: Cut all sequences in the specified range
- New tool: File convertor. Converts between Fasta, FastQ, SFF
- New tool: Remove overrepresented sequences.
- New tool: Remove contaminants. Search overrepresented sequences against a contaminant database (allow user to add/remove seq from database)
- Adaptor trimming: New function: Cut x bases at 3' / 5' end
- Sequence Lister: sequences are now aligned to left
- Bug fix: For some graphs the x axis was shifted with 1 position
- Bug fix: Sequence Lister: columns were not resizable
- Show overrepresented sequences in a table. The table is automatically saved to disk for later use. The user can also import the table content to be used in the 'Remove overrepresented seq' tab
- Redesigned GUI
- Save report in HTML format
- Improved menus and shortcuts
- New option in "Clip low quality ends": "Use the adaptor clipping info of the SFF file"
- Added 'Close file' button to close currently open file
- Added 'expand all graphs' function
- Let user hide left/right panels
- Let user choose output file/folder (for all tools)
- Let user change the 'duplication level' parameters (in order to trade performance for speed)
- The "Generate compact FastQ file" switch is now global (applies to all FastQ files generated by this program)
- When I save a file as Fasta put read's name in the 'Comments'
- SFF: show manifest info for SFF files
- Show progress (in %) also in Tools
- Improved compatibility with small screen laptops (768pix resolution)
- Improvements in graphs: improved legend, meaning of the x axis is show right under it, etc
- Duplication level chart: show on x axis the numbers as >1K, >2K, etc
- Speed improvements
- Link to Questionnaire in 'About' box
- Web tutorial: How to convert SFF to FastQ
- Added new report: Sequence duplication level
- Added new report: Overrepresented sequences
- The user can set the overrepresented sequence threshold. Default is 0.1%
- The overrepresented sequence table can be sorted
- Fixed: (some) graphs shifted with 1
- Few bugs fixed
- Tested with 12GB files
v1.7 - This version brings tremendous speed improvements
- Massive SFF/FastQ parsing speed optimization using buffered files
- Important speed optimization when using the 'Refresh button'
- The program is a bit more responsive when processing large files
- Silently cut samples that have 0 good bases
- Cut reads with GC under 15% or over 85%
- 'About' tab improvements
- Added 3 preset settings in 'custom quality clipping' box
- Few bugs fixed
- Improved manual (still a lot of work to do)
- SFF - Added SFF support (processing, statistics, etc). The user can switch between the two settings (sff file's clip info, or user defined clip info)
- Tools - File splitter. Split huge FastQ/SFF file in chunks of x reads
- Tools - Compact FastQ files (remove duplicate content of the + line)
- Tools - Convert SFF to FastQ
- Tools - Convert SFF to Fasta
- Tools - Convert FastQ to Fasta (multiFasta)
- Graph - Now all graphs are updated in real time (as filters are applied)
- Graph - Sequence length distribution graph
- Graph - Per base sequence quality graph
- Graph - Per base GC content
- Graph - Per sequence GC content
- Graph - Per base sequence content
- Graph - Per base N content (integrated in the 'Per Base Content' graph)
- Graph - Show the 'Per sequence GC content' graphs as dot instead as lines
- Graph - Resize graphs automatically
- Graph - Remember height of each graph panels
- Graph - Remember status of each graph panel (collapsed/expanded)
- Graph - Let user scroll graphs using mouse scroll
- Graph - Button to expand some graphs. Support for all graphs will be added soon
- Graph - Added vertical scroll bar in graph's panel so the user can make any graph as long as he wants
- GUI - Fast preview. Process 1 sample every 100
- GUI - Make beep when processing is done!
- GUI - Let user set GUI refresh interval (for example every 10000 reads)
- GUI - Allow user to cancel a long operation
- GUI - Show basic statistics: file name, file size, number of reads (before and after filtering), encoding, per file GC percent
- System - Start program to a certain folder via command line
- System - Memory efficient parsing
- System - Associate itself with FastQ files. Load file via command line (needed for 'Associate with...')
- Tools - Trim poly-A/T tails
- Tools - Cut reads with average QV under specified threshold
- Tools - Cut reads if they contain N bases (the user can specify how many)
- Tools - Cut reads longer than x bases
- Tools - Ask where to save the file (at conversion)
- Tools - Cut low complexity reads
- Tools - Trim low quality ends. Automatically detect and cut low quality bases at the end of each read. Three parameters are used by this function.
- Tools - Cut reads shorter than x bases.
- Tools - Save the filtered file to disk (use the 'Refresh graph and save...' button).
- Tools - Encoding auto detection was checked and works correctly.
- Lister - Let user choose row height
- Lister - Show all reads (no matter how many they are). It can show: Read name, Base sequence, average quality, sequence length, mini chromatogram.
- Graph - Per sequence quality scores graph
- GUI - Show basic statistics: file name, number of reads (before and after filtering), encoding
- GUI - Show info about encoding as soon as possible
- GUI - Show processing time (in real time)
- GUI - Save/remember GUI state
- GUI - Remember last open tab