Cell counter

Cell Counter is a freeware biology tool that will help you to manually count the cells shown on computer screen by displaying a transparent or semi-transparent grid over your image.
How to use it
Open the image that contains the cells to be counted in your preferred software/image viewer. Start Grid Cell Counter, and choose the size of the grid.

Name |
Grid cell counter |
Version |
0.9.9 |
License |
Download time |
less than 5 seconds for DSL |
How to install it
Cell Counter is delivered in a small package together with other free molecular biology tools. Download the package and double click it. The programs
inside the package will be extracted to the destination folder (specified by you). Go to the destination folder and double click the program you want to use.
This software tool installs in any computer even if you don't have administrator rights.
Cell Counter tool is really small so you can easily copy it on a floppy disk or USB flash stick and take it with you or send it to your colleagues via email.
System requirements
Cell Counter can run on any version of Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 7 and also on Mac via Parallels or Bootcamp. It does not install additional libraries, updates, DLL, Java or registry
keys into your system.
Other similar programs included in the package:
Name |
Description |
DNA Sequence Assembler
DNA Baser is a tool for DNA sequence assembly, DNA sequence analysis, contig editing, and mutation detection.
It also offers a powerful chromatogram viewer/editor. |
GBK to FASTA converter
GenBank to FASTA is a freeware program will convert GenBank (gbk) file format to FASTA format. |
ABI to FASTA converter
ABI to FASTA Converter is a free tool will convert all (selected) ABI files to FASTA files. All you need to do is to locate your ABI chromatogram
files and press the CONVERT button.
Grid cell counter
Gird cell counter will help you to count faster the cells shown on computer's screen by displaying a grid over your image. Freeware. |
Convertrix is a molecular biology command line tool for converting between several popular DNA sample formats. It can automatically trim the untrusted regions (low quality bases)
at the end of samples. |
DNA Counter
DNA Counter shows the proportions between nucleotides in a DNA sequence (GC to AT ratio). |
Chromatogram Explorer
DNA Chromatogram Explorer is a Windows Explorer clone dedicated to DNA sequence analysis and manipulation. You can view the chromatograms while browsing through folders
using its integrated file explorer. With a single click you can trim the low quality bases at the end of your samples. |
Everything to FASTA converter
Everything to Fasta Converter converts the specified samples (SCF, ABI, FASTA, multiFasta, GBK, multiGBK, SEQ, TXT) to FASTA format. Starting with version 3.0 protein FASTA files are also supported. |
Keywords: grid image screen cell count counter microscope display help to count the cells on screen sequencing tools sequence view alternative detection biology medical field research |